Advanced Telegram Mass DM

Advertise Your Business, Website or Channel and Reach 800 Million Users of Telegram!

Is your business ready for an instant growth?
Setup in 30 Seconds!

Reach Your Targeted Audience Among 800M Users of Telegram!

Telegram is rapidly becoming a host to small and large businesses as a platform for gaining more users and clients. We aim to assist those businesses by providing the largest database of users as a targeted solution for marketing purposes. Ads are sent to your target audience in their private inbox, and you will receive a detailed report of the ads recipient upon campaign completion.

. Select the Campaign details i.e. the total number of people, category, region and their premium membership status

. Proceed through the payment via our safe gateway

. Start receiving instant growth in engagement and sales!

You will receive Campaign details and report upon completion

Target People

How Many People

Interested In

Living In


Contact Info

Campaign Cost

Ad Message