How to buy Telegram Members
Telegram channel subscribers are offline or fake members that will give a very fast boost to your channel. The Telegram offline members method has a low drop rate but the speed is rather slow. Another method, real Telegram channel subscribers that are hidden real members added to your Telegram channel very fast. But the drop rate is rather higher than the Telegram fake subscribers.
Telegram group members are offline members that can be added to your group or be joined via invite link depending on your choice. The drop rate is rather very low if members are offline or if you need to buy real group members that are random people, drop will be significantly high! Having a large group would help in making your Telegram group look more authentic to the incoming real Telegram members joining your group.
Telegram members ICO are real targeted people that are invited from other similar or competitor groups to your own group. This way you invite members from any Telegram group that you want or we can choose for you if you're not sure of where to take from. We put filter on Telegram members and bring only real and active members from groups so you can make sure that there are not bots or offline or in-active members in the list we invite from.
Telegram post views is a service in which we forward your posts to different Telegram channels and Telegram groups to get views. You can buy this service for both past and future posts (auto views). The auto views set on a channel will trigger as soon as you make a new post in your Telegram channel. This will help showing off high engagement from your subscribers in your Telegram channel.

Types of Telegram Members and Services Available At Telmemeber
We are honored to say that there is a solution for every one of your needs in terms of marketing on the Telegram platform. You may buy offline members for your channel just to show how huge your channel is. On the other hand, you are able to buy online and real members for your Telegram group to boost your engagement rate. Our services are not limited only to these types of Telegram members.

A fake or offline member is a member who has a Telegram account with a name and profile picture but is offline and inactive. These people are sometimes referred to as inactivated members. Increasing the number of people who are part of your Telegram channel or group may be accomplished by purchasing these types of members
Members of Telegram who are considered to be authentic are those who are not only genuine but also follow you and participate in the activities of your group or channel on Telegram. These members will improve the number of people who watch your channel posts and will raise your engagement rate
People that fit this description possess every quality. That is to say, they exist in the physical world and engage in your purposeful activities. They will follow you as your genuine customers in your organization if you are successful. Our Telmemeber platform recommends this type of Telegram member to those who are in need of actual and active members. They are handpicked and tailored just for your market

Six Reasons Why You Should Choose Telmemeber?
In order to buy Telegram members, you have unlimited choices. With a simple click on google, you will find out that there are hundreds of websites that offer you Telegram members. But we have some qualities that make us unique. With enough years of experience, we know exactly what our customers want. There are SIX attributes that make us stand out.

We will never ask you for any personal information, including your password or other credentials. On top of that, we have integrated legitimate and trustworthy payment channels on our website so that you are able to securely register your purchase.
We have made every effort to provide you with a platform that is uncomplicated, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. This is to ensure that you will not have any difficulties while making use of our services.
Our staff is prepared to attend to your needs in a fast and efficient way at all times. Your order will be completed after it has been registered in the lowest amount of time possible. One of our top responsibilities is to do the task quickly and accurately so that we can fulfill your requests.
Since your contentment is more important to us than anything else, we have made an effort to improve the quality of our services while maintaining prices that are fair and accessible to a wide range of customers. As a result, we provide pricing that works with a variety of financial plans.

Telmemeber; Buy Telegram Members Like A Piece of Cake
We are confident in asserting that we are the only platform that is able to accept any method of payment. Any method of payment that is available to you may be used to purchase the package of Telmemeber that best suits your needs. Because of this functionality and other mentioned qualities of Telmemeber, we have gained an extra edge over other websites. We have taken into consideration all of the payment options that are available to you, from your debit card and credit card to PayPal and even prominent cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. To boost your engagement rate in Telegram and take the first step robustly, NOW is the best time to buy Telegram members through Telmemeber.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I buy telegram channel subscribers?
Yes! The easiest and fastest ways of boosting your Telegram channel's subscribers count is to buy telegram channels subscribers. We provide this service with the cheapest rate and the lowest drop possible. -
Is this method safe in 2022?
Telegram API has not enforced any limitations regarding adding members to groups or subscribers to channels in its latest updates. It is 100% safe to buy members for your group or channel in 2022 and no ban or penalty affect your content. -
How can I buy members in telegram?
Depending on whether you want members for your telegram group or telegram channel, By simply checking our packages details and price and it will be processed as soon as possible. -
How long does the delivery take?
Depending on the package you choose and on the order volume, it takes from 5 minutes (250 members) to 3 days (500,000 members) to finish the order. Of course you can ask us to lower the speed and set it to any amount per hours that suits your needs. -
Is there a refund if the service is not satisfactory?
Yes! In case the service is different from what you expected or the result is not satisfactory, you will get a 100% refund without any further discussion! -
What payment methods do you support?
You can pay by BTC, Paypal, Webmoney, PerfectMoney, USDT. Contact support if you want to pay via any other methods that is not listed above. -
Do you offer refill for the services?
Yes! in case a significant and abnormal drop occurs in the number of Telegram members we add, we will refill the order for sure! -
Is it safe to buy members for a Telegram group or channel?
You might wonder if Telegram bans or punishes groups or channels that buy members, but the answer is a certain 'No'! It is 100% safe to buy Telegram channel subscribers and Telegram group members and there has never been a single instance of ban or Telegram group/channel removal up until now.
How can I get more subscribers on a Telegram channel?
There are many views to achieve this. The fastest one is to buy telegram channel subscribers. Another way is to advertise your channel in popular telegram channels to bring voluntary subscribers. Or by having good content in your daily posts, you could attract Telegram subscribers organically! -
Can I buy targeted members for my telegram group?
Our specific package for this, Telegram Members ICO is what you need. In this package we will target relevant and similar Telegram groups to your own group and will start inviting its real and active Telegram members in your own group. -
How to increase members of a Telegram ICO group?
Depending on the project, such groups usually start growing organically if the project itself is wellknown in the ICO community. Another way is to invite ICO enthusiast members from relevant Telegram groups into your group! -
Can you add fake members to a telegram group?
Yes! Adding fake members to a group is a good way for showing off a huge community on Telegram. This will make the incoming real members consider the Telegram group more authentic and be more willing to stay and participate in the group discussions. -
How can I grow my Telegram group?
There are various ways for you to grow your Telegram group, from organic growth to choosing to buy telegram group members. Organic growth happens overtime and requires well-done group management. However, you can accelerate the process and buy real telegram targeted members or telegram fake members. -
Can I extract other Telegram group's members and add them to my own group?
Yes! We have a service as targeted group members by which you can target any other competitor group, extract the members and add its members to your own Telegram group. Its a great way for boosting your ICO, forex and crypto Telegram group. -
Should I use these service in 2020?
According to google trends, Telegram as a playground for businesses is rapidly increasing as it helps groups and channels grow faster and become popular in a very short time-frame. So the trend is still sharply alive in 2020 and will continue to be.